Friday, January 13, 2023

Best Places to Visit in Afghanistan new 2023

There are many vacation spots in Afghanistan that are quite interesting for 2023. The following is a summary of some of the vacation spots in Afghanistan that you must consider visiting.
Tourist attractions in Afghanistan
Actually not only 5 tourist attractions in Afghanistan but there are lots of tourist attractions in Afghanistan. maybe dozens of tourist attractions. Here is our summary, namely the 5 best tourist attractions in our opinion.

When you think of Afghanistan, what comes to mind is probably war. But who would have thought that behind this spooky history, it turns out that a lot of extraordinary charm is hidden. Anyone who visits will be stunned by the beauty of tourist attractions in this country. You can find a vast desert with a unique local culture.

The story of decades of war is also a special attraction for this country. Afghanistan holds so many stories, starting from the Neolithic tribes in the Indus Valley, Alexander the Great, Ancient Persia and others. Here are a number of interesting tourist attractions in Afghanistan that will amaze you with their beauty.


1. Band-e Amir National Park

The first destination that is ready to make you stunned by the tourist attractions in Afghanistan is the Band E Amir area. There are many stunning lakes for you to see. This tourist spot is the most popular summer tourist spot for tourists. This will be Afghanistan's first National Park Site and will be open from March to mid-November.

Not only enjoying the beauty of the lake, tourists can also do a variety of interesting activities, from riding a swan boat, visiting Hazrat Ali's skin, camping and also soaking in water that is said to be healing. If you come to this tourist spot other than summer, the weather will be very cold.

2. Broghol

  The next panoramic spot that offers beautiful views is Broghol. broghol Is a tourist spot with beautiful lake views, this lake is at the foot of a mountain. Many also refer to it as the Dorah Pass or identification gap between Chitral and Badakhshan provinces.

Not only the beautiful scenery, tourists can also do a variety of exciting activities, one of which is horseback riding while enjoying the majestic mountain panorama. You can also find lakes with very blue water. This tourist spot is a tourist spot that is still quiet so it is suitable for those of you who want to enjoy a calm atmosphere, not only the atmosphere but also quite beautiful scenery. For tourists who have a high adventurous spirit, don't miss this beautiful tourist spot.

3. Garden Of Babur

Garden of Babur is the tomb of the first Mughal king with a building that is so magnificent and spacious. Because of the beauty of the structure of the building, Babur Park is one of the tourist attractions in Afghanistan which is visited by many tourists. The building consists of 15 terraces, where the tomb of the Mughal king is on the 14th terrace. In this tourist spot you can find views of the garden whose design is truly amazing.

The shape of the building is like terraced with grass and green plants in the garden. You can also find a pool that is currently being used as a visitor pool. The purpose of building this site is of course as a form of respect for the previous kings in the area.

4. Herat Citadel

The Herat Fortress rises above the Old City. This fortress is one of the oldest buildings in Herat, this span is one of the remains of Alexander the Great. Because of that the fort was named Citadel of Alexander. The location is on an artificial hill with an area of ​​about 250 meters.

di tempat wisata ini anda bisa melihat keindahan desain bangunan yang memiliki 18 menara tinggi. Bangunan yang kokoh dan megah ini menjadi bukti kekuatan militer Afganistan kala itu. Di beberapa bagian benteng terdapat tempat yang bisa dimasuki pengunjung, seperti atrium. Atau bisa juga di halaman belakang yang pemandangannya begitu indah, yaitu kota Herat.

5. Qargha Lake

If you are in the Kabul area, you can visit the city of Qargha. And you will find the Qargha Reservoir which is one of the tourist destinations in Afghanistan that you must visit while in Afghanistan. in this tourist spot you will get a very beautiful view of the lake.

Besides having a beautiful view, this beautiful reservoir is also a source of water for local residents. Sitting on the edge of the reservoir while enjoying a cup of coffee and the beautiful scenery will slightly make all your fatigue disappear. Or you can also take a boat to get around the reservoir area. There is also a hill that can be climbed, so that the reservoir can be seen from above.

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